A Special Place for Children and Families
“By definition, being a young person in foster care means facing a great deal of adversity. Children enter care when they’ve been in situations where they’ve been abused, neglected, have experienced a significant loss, or have otherwise not been provided what they need. The experience of living in out-of-home placement typically brings with it feelings of confusion, anxiety, fear, grief, and loss of control. It can also feel intrusive, like everyone knows about you and your life. Caring for young people who have all of these experiences and feelings can be difficult.” Read more from this Healthy Foster Care America article.
Find answers to these questions here:
What is child traumatic stress?
Is my child suffering from child traumatic stress?
What is Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
Will my child experience child traumatic stress?
Not every child who experiences a traumatic event will develop symptoms of child traumatic stress. Whether or not your child does depends on a range of factors.